At the scot house, the scot couple is having a recurring discussion, and d.c. is eager to put this issue to bed once and for all….
Eudora: Dear, I’m thinking of changing the color of the kitchen. I don’t like this color anymore. It looks horrible now, but I liked it when we painted the kitchen this color six months ago. Now, though, I get a headache whenever I walk in here.
d.: What color do you want the kitchen to be?
E.: Well, I like white, but that will show too much dirt. However, if I use a darker shade of white, it may work…
d.: I’m sorry, dear, but there are no such thing as “different shades of white,” or black, for that matter.
E.: Explain, please.
d.: Well, white is a hue that is defined as the absence of all color and the presence of all light. Conversely, black is a hue that is defined as the presence of all color and the absence of all light. The two hues are comprehensive opposites. Since each hue is an absolute, any variance from the absolute would be defined as a shade of gray. That is the color that results from combing the two hues. If more of the white hue is present in the color gray, it’s results in a light gray color. Conversely, if more of the black hue is present in the color gray, it is said to be dark gray. There’s an unlimited number of possibilities for the hue that the color gray may take on.
E.: Okay, then, do you like this color gray?
d.: Whatever you decide is fine with me.
Meanwhile at Wayne Manor, in the same neighborhood, almost on the same street, very close to the scot house, two cats with Doctorates in Playing and Hiding from the College of the Cat Skills, are having a similar, very intellectual disagreement over a very important matter. Cal.E. and her third husband, Tucker Tucker Two, a.k.a. The Cat Fighter Formerly Known As The Tuxedo (who really needs a shorter nickname) Now Simply Known As T Because Triple T Was Already Taken cannot settle this disagreement no matter how much they use their education to make intelligent arguments.
T.: Is too.
C.: Is not.
T.: Is too times infinity.
C.: Well, I’ll just call d.c. and see which one of us he agrees with.
d.: This is d.c. scot, author, nurse and…
C.: Pick up, d.c. This is too important to go to your voice mail. By the time you check your messages, it may be too late.
d.: Hi, Cal.E., what’s up?
C.: T. and I are having a disagreement. I thought that maybe you could solve this argument once and for all.
d.: I’ll try. What seems to be the problem?
C.: It’s more like a question.
d.: And that is?
C.: What shade of black would you say Wayne Manor is?
d.: (Sensored).
C.: It looks like that’s all the time we have for today, folks. So that's the end
of today's bog post.
Please join us tomorrow for another episode Cal.E.’s Korner.