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Cal.E.'s Korner

Writer's picture: markmiller323markmiller323

C.: Well, that billboard says that this Starbrand coffee shop

has the last sandbox for 9.99654 light years. I’ll be back on my home planet, POTTC by then. To follow d.c.’s logic,

I should stop there. He believes that one should never pass up the opportunity to relieve him or herself. I’ll stop and then continue my voyage.

Well, that was refreshing, and it looks like I can pick up some radio signals from Texas. Let’s see what I can pick up.

This is KING/KEEN Egypt/ Cut-N-Shoot, Texas. Keeping the king of radio stations keen by bringing you the dialogue from the popular soap opera, “One Life to Give,” all the time.


C.: Oh, wow! I haven’t been able to watch this for the last two years. I can’t watch it because I must watch these dials, but I can listen to it and catch up on what’s happening before I reach The Planet of the Talking Cats.

Let’s see, the protagonist, Bart, limped into town, limping on his right hind leg and favoring the other three looking for the man who shot his paw. He wanted to confront the cat that killed his biological father before he died, because he has a disease that has made a cat-tastrophe of his life. He’s on his ninth life, but he never met his biological father because he was adopted by a kind elderly lady when he was a mere kitten just opening his eyes. Now, he just wants to settled the score before he dies.

The commercial for Premium Cat Toys is over, so I’ll listen now…It sounds like it’s later that same day…

Stranger: Bart, if’n ya wants ta fin’ da cat what killed yo’ pa, youse needs ta go to da local tavern and talks to da barkeep. Dat cat is full o’ info. He’s spent might near ever’ one o’his lives in dees here parts. Now, git along.


Bart.: I ain’t no canine, and dat’s what yas say to a dog, but I’ll mosey on over ta tha local waterin’ hole an’s see what dat dare barkeep can tells me. Much obliged, noble stranger.

Barkeep: Well, if’n it ain’t Big Bad Bart, da orneriest critter in these here parts. Come on in an' sit a spell. What can I do ya fir?

B.: I’ll have a sarsaparilla, neat, an’ some information.


BK: What kind o’ info is ya aftah?


B.: I’m lookin’ fir da cat dat shot ma paw.


BK: Ya should prol’ly got dat looked at by a vet. Luckily fir you, I’s da closest ting to a doc we gots in dis here town

B.: Is ya a nurse practishner, den?


BK No.


B.:A P.A.?




B.: Den a paramedic?


BK. Dare’s onliest one o’ me, Bart, not two.


B.: Den what is ya, den?


BK: I tol’s ya, I’m da barkeep. I gots whiskey for da wounds, and beer for da pain. Now, what’s yo’ pleasah?


B.: I’s gonna die right soon, no way, sose I’ll pass on da medical care. All’s I need is some information. I’d be much obliged to ya for dat.


BK.: Well, I’ll tells ya where ya can find dat vermin dat shot yo’ paw under one condition…


That’s all the time we have for today, folks. Please join us tomorrow for another episode of One Life to Give…I mean Cal.E.’s Korner.



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