We can never know about the days to come
But we think about them anyway
And I wonder if I'm really with you now
Or just chasing after some finer day
Procrastination is making me lateIs keeping me waiting
And I tell you how easy it feels to be with you
And how right your arms feel around me
But I, I rehearsed those words just late last night
When I was thinking about how right tonight might be
Procrastination is making me lateIs keeping me waiting
And tomorrow we might not be together
I'm no prophet, Lord, I don't know nature's ways
So I'll try, see into your eyes right now
And stay right here 'cause these are the good old days
These are the good old days
And stay right here 'cause these are the good old days
These are the good old days
These are the good old days
These are the good old days
These are the good old days
Writer(s): Carly E. Simon
C.: d.c., I hope that I’m not disturbing you by calling you at work, but I have some important news.
d,: I’m not that busy, Cal.E. It’s been slow today, so I’m just looking at some online classes.
C.: So it’s been…
d.: NO!! Do NOT use the Q word! You know better than to say that word in a medical emergency setting!
C.: So, it’s been the opposite of loud today, huh?
d.: It has been. That gave me a chance to look at some online courses, something that I’ve been putting off until I had time.
C.: What classes did you decide to take?
d.: Well, the most interesting one was on avoiding procrastination.
C.: So, when are you going to take that class?
d.: Oh, I don’t know. When I get around to it, I guess (if at all). I just can’t seem to find the time to do things like that.
Coworker: Mr. scot, would you like a Coke?
d.: Sure, I’ll take one. I need the caffeine to stay awake for a twelve-hour shift.
CW.: What type of Coke would you like to?
d.: A Coca Cola, please.
CW.: What type of Coca-Cola would you like? Lemon-lime, orange, Diet Coke, Coke Zero, old new Coke, new old Coke or…
d.: I have decision fatigue. Just surprise me.
CW.: Okay, here you go.
d.: Caffeine Free Diet Coke? What’s the point of drinking a drink to stay awake that doesn’t have any caffeine or sugar in it? (Oh, I forgot I was on the phone with Cal.E., and she was going to give me some important news.)
“What’s going on, Cal.E.?”
C.: Operation Underworld.
d.: Come again.
C.: I must go back to my home planet for the election.
d.: Isn’t Meow Z. Tongue the Supreme Ruler and dictator for life in your galaxy?
C.: He is, but we still have the option of voting for him or…well, that’s never happened in my lifetime. However, he’s ruining the planet and running the galaxy out of energy…
d.: In one million cat naps, however long that is.
C.: Well, I take nine cat naps a day and I have nine lives. Nine times nine is eighty-one, multiplied by the total number of talking cats in the galaxy.
d.: That may not take long then, right?
C.: Well, it will still take some time. There are surprisingly few cats that can talk. However, an underground organization that ELAC and I are involved with has decided to try to overthrow Meow Z. Tongue during this election. Don’t worry, though, I’ll be back in time to hear the ending of Triple T plus two T + N…
d.: ???!!!
C.: Texas Tim the Traveling Triage Nurse.
d.; Oh, that.
C.: Yes, that script. I’ll be back before you can finish reading THE IDIOT AND THE ODD COUPLE, though.
d.: Don’t you mean THE ILIAD AND THE ODYSSEY? (Which would take some time).
C.: No, this is a classic book on my planet. It’s about a unique cat that decides to form a thrupple with a mismatched married couple of cats. It hit number 4,352,223 in the Cat Galaxy.
d.: And that’s good?
C.: How is your book doing, d.c.?
d.: Well, that’s all the time we have for today, folks. Please join us tomorrow for another episode of Cal.E.’s Korner (minus Cal.E. and a few other characters).