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Cal.E's Korner

Writer's picture: markmiller323markmiller323

Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? Well the party was nice, the party was pumping (hey, yippie-yi-yo) And everybody having a ball (hah, ho, yippie-yi-yo) Until the fellas started name-calling (yippie-yi-yo) And the girls respond to the call, I heard a woman shout out Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Last year in the dance you had a ball Called me mealybug and sketel Get back gruffy, back scruffy Get back, you flea-infested mongrel! Gonna tell myself, "Hey man no get angry" (hey, yippie, yi, yo) To any girls calling them canine, hey! (yippie, yi, yo) But they tell me, "Hey Man, It's part of the Party!" (yippie yi, yo) You put a woman in front and her man behind (yippie, yi, yo), I heard a woman shout out Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? Say, a doggy is nutting if he don't have a bone! (Oh, doggy hold ya' bone, oh doggy hold it) A doggy is nutting if he don't have a bone! (Oh, doggy hold ya' bone, oh doggy hold it) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Last year in the dance you had a ball Called me mealybug and sketel Get back gruffy, back scruffy Get back you flea-infested mongrel! Well, if I am a dog, the party is on I gotta get my groove cause my mind done gone Do you see the rays coming from my eye Walking through the place That Diji man is breakin' it down? Me and my white short shorts And I can't see color, any color will do I'll stick on you, that's why they call me Pitbull Cause I'm the man of the land When they see me, they say Woo! Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out? (Who, who, who, who) Who let the dogs out?

Source: Musixmatch

Songwriters: Michael Mangini / S. Greenberg

ELAC: Thank you, Cal.E., ever so much for suggesting that I go to Catnippers Anonymous. And thank you for going with me…but, if it’s an anonymous meeting, why must I give my first name when asked to speak?

C.: I suppose one could make up a name, and no one would be the wiser. Let us not dwell on that, though.

E.: What shall we discuss, then, while we have our afternoon tea?

C.: Well, I would usually reserve such a discussion for high tea, but why don’t we talk about our favorite philosophers? I’ll go first. I simply adore Kierkegaard.

E.: No, he’s too.... well, Kierkegaard. I prefer Nietzsche.

C.: I assume that you are talking about the philosopher, not the former professional football player, Ray.

E.: I am.

C.: Wow! It doesn’t take one long to surmise that he was, well, clinically depressed, shall we say?

Buddy Bones: Get a load a dis! Dees two dames, all actin’ high fallutin’ since one o’ ‘em gets married ta da five-time heavyweight cat fightin’ champion o’da woild, Tucker Tucker Two, a.k.a. Da Cat Fighta Formerly Known As Da Tuxedo (who really needs a shorta nickname) Now Simply Known As T, Becausen Triple T Was A’ready Taken. An’, day gets to sits around sippin’ tea in da afternoon, talkin’ like day suppin’ special.

Oh, I almost forgot, I’m fillin’ in today as da host of Cal.E., Korner taday, becausin’ Cal.E, as youse can see, is “otherwise occupied.” d.c. is sufferin’ from a case o’ Over da Limit (ta feel good) Disease, Otherwise known as OLD. But, get a load o’ dees kitties. One is a former addict, and da odder would make the guy who killed John Wick’s dog look like little Bo Peep! (MY apologies if’n youse ain’t seen da movie by now, but who didn’t know dat?). She was da bes’ fighter in da galaxy, until she gots hooked on catnip herself when she came to dis planet. Den, her distant cousin takes her in, and straightens her out. Day sits around sippin’ tea in Wayne Manor, which Tucker bought for a song. Well, actually, it was several songs. He sold the soundtrack to a Broadway play. Youse may o’ heard o’ it, it us called “Cats.” It played behin’ da grocery store on Broadway Street in Houston fa twenty years!

Anyways, Tucker bought Wayne Manor from da Wayne estate when da owner, Bernice Wayne disappeared, alon’ wit’ her son, Rob. Dat was about da same time dat Bat Woman an’ her sidekick, Bob disappeared. Hey, wait a cotton pickin’ minute… Rob and Bob is both derive' from da same name: Robert. And day disappeared about da same time… it sounds like a case of copyright infringemen’ ta me, but what do I know? I’m a dog!

Anyways, dare was dis situation dat has my interest…oh, geez, look at da time! I gots a tee time in five minutes, and dem wooden golf tees ain’t gonna chew dimselves up. Maybe I can catch dat Uber comin. Hey, wait up! Man, he stopped fast! Oh, my head! Why does I keeps runnin' inta parked cars?!

Now dat I'm backs on dis planet, maybe I'll jus' haves the boys ova fir a games a poker.



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