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CAl.E.'s Korner

Writer's picture: markmiller323markmiller323

I didn't want to do it but I got too lonely I had to call you up in the middle of the night I know it's awful hard to try to make love long distance But I really needed stimulation Though it was only my imagination

It's just a fantasy (oh oh oh oh) It's not the real thing (oh oh oh oh) It's just a fantasy (oh oh oh oh) It's not the real thing (oh oh oh oh) But sometimes a fantasy (oh oh oh oh) Is all you need, oh oh oh

When am I gonna take control get a hold of my emotions Why does it only seem to hit me in the middle of the night You told me there's a number I can always dial for assistance I don't want to deal with outside action Only you can give me satisfaction

It's just a fantasy (oh oh oh oh) It's not the real thing (oh oh oh oh) It's just a fantasy (oh oh oh oh) It's not the real thing (oh oh oh oh) But sometimes a fantasy (oh oh oh oh) Is all you need, oh oh oh

Sure it would be better if I had you here to hold me Be better baby but believe me it's the next best thing I'm sure there's many times you've wanted me to hear your secrets Don't be afraid to say the words that move me Anytime you want to tell them to me

It's just a fantasy It's not the real thing It's just a fantasy It's not the real thing But sometimes a fantasy Is all you need Just a fantasy (it0s just a fantasy) It's not the real thing (it's not the real thing) It's just a fantasy (it's just a fantasy) It's not the real thing (it's not the real thing) It's just a fantasy (it0s just a fantasy) It's not the real thing (it's not the real thing) It's just a fantasy (it's just a fantasy) It's not the real thing (it's not the real thing) Just a fantasy (it0s just a fantasy) It's not the real thing (it's not the real thing) It's just a fantasy (it's just a fantasy) It's not the real thing (it's not the real thing)

Source: LyricFind

Songwriters: Billy Joel

Sometimes a Fantasy lyrics © Universal Music Publishing Group

C.: I'm redy to go to bed, but Tucker’s not here to tuck me in, so I can’t go to sleep. I think I’ll call d.c. and see how his day went. That’s always good to help me get some sleep. (ring).

d.: Hi, Cal.E., how are you?

C.: You sound like you’re in a good mood, d.c. I take it your day went well?

d.: It did.

C.: Why don’t you tell me about it, then.

d.: Okay, first, I couldn’t get to the gym today because of the parade, so I took T. Puppy Kat on an epic walk, and she did well.

I then went to my favorite fast food restaurant at lunch time and got a table and a free meal. I got out of the restaurant in time to go to my doctor’s appointment, where I found a parking space close to the building. Then, I saw my doctor, who told me that I had a practically zero percent chance of dying from anything related to my heart.

C.: d.c, I’m not a little kitten. You don’t need to tell me a fairy tale.

d.: It’s all true, Cal.E.

C.: So, you’re telling me that T. Puppy Katt, a hyperactive six month old puppy, behaved herself on a long walk. Then you went to the busiest place on the face of the earth at lunchtime on a school holiday and not only got a table, but a free meal? And then, you went to your doctor’s office, where you often must park across a busy road because there are no parking spaces, and got a parking space close to the building? And, to top it off, you got a good report from one of your five hundred doctors?

d.: It’s all true, Cal.E.

C.: Well, whatever you took to help you sleep last night, stick with it, because you’re still dreaming, I think. Maybe you could share some of it with me?

d.: Honestly, Cal.E., I’m telling you the truth.

C.: Okay, well, sometimes Tucker tells me scary stories about his former life as a Cat Cartel member. That helps me sleep. Do you know any scary stories, d.c.?

d.: I do. Once upon a time, in a galaxy not too far away, a few hundred years ago… some men decided that their country was bogus, so they set out to find a new land. They crossed a vast expanse of water and found a land that looked promising. Although it was already occupied, these men decided to start their new country in this land. The motto of the new land was that all men are created equal…

C.: What about women, pigs, cats, dogs, wild life and the indigenous people who already occupied the new land?

d.: Well, they just wanted to concentrate on running their own country, but the old country thought that it knew better, so a bloody war with many battles ensued. With new techniques taught to these men by their new neighbors, they were successful in securing their freedom. For many years, these people expanded their country until it reached across the whole continent.

C.: What about the indigenous people, d.c.?

d.: Er.. well, they were given some land…

C.: So, they taught these men how to fight and win a war, and then were given some of their own land to live on?

d.: I guess so. Anyway, the country was doing well, even helping win a couple of world wars, when it was invaded by an evil people called “Lifelong Politicians.”

C.: Did they kill and maim to take control of the country?

d.: No, they used a more subtle technique. They convinced the people of that country that it would be better if they kept to themselves in a distant land (as far as reality was concerned) called D.C. They said they could run the country and let the population worry about their jobs, as long as they paid their taxes and didn’t ask too many questions. It was supposedly a two-party system. However, as time went by and these Lifelong Politicians spent more and more time together, the parties became more and more alike.

C.: So, then they started getting along, and got things done quickly?

d.: Hardly. Even though the two parties very much resembled each other, they still couldn’t get along. When a pandemic came along and started to make the people of the country sick, these Lifelong Politicians stayed in D.C, protected from reality. They continued to fight each other, concentrating on punishing people from the other party, even those who had supposedly been elected to be banned from D.C. already.

C.: This is scary. Then what happened?

d.: Many people died, and others suffered lifelong consequences from the new, dreaded disease. But the Lifelong Politicians continued to fight each other, leaving most of the work for the doctors, nurses, and other medical personnel.

C.: Did the Lifelong Politicians ever stop fighting and pay attention to what was going on with their constituents?

d.: Well, oh, gee, look at the time. That’s all the time we have for today, folks. Please join us tomorrow for another episode of Cal.E.’s Korner.

C.: I’ll never sleep now!



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