I have a mansion, forget the price
Ain't never been there, they tell me it's nice
I live in hotels, tear out the walls
I have accountants pay for it all
They say I'm crazy but I have a good time
I'm just looking for clues at the scene of the crime
Life's been good to me so far
My Maserati does one-eighty-five
I lost my license, now I don't drive
I have a limo, ride in the back
I lock the doors in case I'm attacked
I'm makin' records, my fans they can't wait
They write me letters, tell me I'm great
So I got me an office, gold records on the wall
Just leave a message, maybe I'll call
Lucky I'm sane after all I've been through
(Everybody say, "I'm cool, " "He's cool")
I can't complain but sometimes I still do
Life's been good to me so far
I go to parties sometimes until four
It's hard to leave when you can't find the door
It's tough to handle this fortune and fame
Everybody's so different, I haven't changed
They say I'm lazy but it takes all my time
(Everybody say, "Oh yeah, " "Oh yeah")
I keep on goin' guess I'll never know why
Life's been good to me so far
Ah, yeah, yeah
Source: LyricFind
Songwriters: Joe Walsh
Life's Been Good lyrics © Spirit Music Group
d.: Hi, Cal.E., why are you looking so frazzled?

C.: I got into a political debate with T. Puppy Katt and it turned into a free-for all.
d.: I thought y’all were members of the same political party. What happened?
C.: We’re both members of the same party, but at opposite ends of it. I’m a died-in-the wool You Feel Democat, and T. Puppy’s a Yellow Dog Domacat.

d.: I thought that her fur was white.

C.: This is serious, d.c. We need to fix what’s wrong with our country now! I’m willing to spend all of Tucker’s money to make that happen.
d.: I see. So, since you moved into Tucker’s house, you’ve learned how to add, subtract, multiply and divide large numbers in your head. And you’ve become a political activist. You could formerly only count to two, and you didn’t care what happened in politics. How did you become so different?
C.: Well, it was all Tucker’s doing. He helped me get over my CADHD something or other. It stands for Cat Attention, Hey, Do you see that!?
d.: I think you’re talking about ADHD specific to cats. That stands for Attention Deficit Hyperactive Do you remember what we were talking about? Anyway, how did Tucker help you correct your problem?
C.: He gave me something to help me concentrate.
d.: Cal.E., Tucker’s not a vet. If he gave you some pills, that could be dangerous!
C.: He didn’t give me any pills, d.c.
d.: Then how did you learn to do all the things you can do now?
C.: By concentrate.
d.: I think that you mean concentrating.
C.: No, d.c. Tucker has some orange juice in his refrigerator. The carton it was in said “concentrate.” So, I stared at it for ten hours. Now, I can concentrate.
d.: Well, that’s all the time we have for today, folks. Please join us tomorrow for another episode of Cal.E.’s Korner.