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Writer's picturemarkmiller323

Cal.E.'s Korner

C.: d.c. is still at work , but he sent me the new beginning he wrote to his first book, “Precision; A Crime of Passion.” He thinks that this will get the action started a little sooner. Let’s see what it says.




September 11, 2020 2245

The assailant tried the door, gently opening it. The assailant knew that the door wouldn’t be locked, but any sound may be detrimental to accomplishing the quest that must be accomplished. Fortunately, the old ranch house’s back door didn’t make a sound as the assassin entered the hallway, then quickly went to the master bedroom where two bodies lay snoring loudly. The noise would make it easier to accomplish the task that must be accomplished.

2300: The assailant wiped up as much blood as he could with the bed sheets. A one-inch laceration seldom leaves a large pool of blood, but when a number ten scalpel blade is applied to the carotid artery, blood flows quickly and sporadically. The assailant wiped his face with the bedsheets carefully.

Even though the assailant was not squeamish at the sight of blood, the assailant had an obsession with neatness, and knew that if left any of the victims’ blood splattered on any clothing, it could identify the perpetrator if examined. The assailant didn’t like leaving a mess. As the assailant was applying pressure to the corpse’s left internal branch of his carotid artery, the other inhabitant of the bed stirred.

As quickly as the assailant had murdered victim number one, the second victim fell lifeless with a quick, precise one-inch laceration to the victim’s right internal branch of the carotid artery. The assailant then made sure both victims were dead by checking for a carotid pulse. Then the assailant applied enough pressure to the necks of the two victims to stop the bleeding. The assailant then quickly folded the bedsheet down enough that no blood was visible, and took the cell phone out of its resting place to take a picture. At that instant, the assailant heard the sound of a vehicle coming up the driveway. The assailant couldn’t take the chance of being caught, so the two lifeless bodies lay motionless as the assailant fled out the back door. After carefully putting the truck into gear and driving out of the ranch through the back exit, the assailant drove to the airport and waited for the announcer to call the number of the flight on the ticket the assailant possessed. A few more hours, and the assailant would be out of Texas, the United States, and North America. That would make it much harder to be found and expedited if suspected after the bodies were discovered. It seemed to be a foolproof plan.

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