c.: d.c. volunteered to go to the pet food and supply store and look for my wallet. Since he has two vehicles (one of which runs) and can talk to other humans, I thought it best to let him help me. All he asked in return, he said, was that I give him my opinion about the beginning of one of his books. I am looking forward to doing this! d.c. can be a funny guy when he wants to be, and I could use some cheering up right about now!
Let's see, the name of the book is "Reports from South America." Hmm. It is NOT a funny name, but maybe the name is not the funny part. I will just start reading and see.
***************************************************************************d.c. scot presents
The Magruder Mysteries'; Reports From South America
INCEPTION Bogota, Colombia; October 18, 2030 After ensuring the comfort of his intended, Magruder checked to make sure that his nine-millimeter magnum handgun was fully loaded. When he was assured that it was, he stuck it in his waistband and followed his large client closely. It was important to have as many rounds of ammunition as possible available. Magruder did not know how many people he would be dealing with. Magruder had been almost sure that none of the trio that had kidnapped Hadley Logan had murdered her parents. They all had alibis for the time of death of the beloved couple. However, Magruder knew that witnesses can be paid or influenced to distort the truth. It was this thought that disturbed the veteran detective the most. Even if the trio were not the murderers of the senior Logan couple, they were still criminals, as far as Jay was concerned. They had kidnapped the only daughter of the Logan couple and used her to procure money from the songs that her singer/songwriter father had written. What would they do to Hadley when there were no more songs to sell to the advertising agencies? Would they let her go free? Magruder seriously doubted they would. It was imperative, then, to succeed at the quest he had been hired (and ordered) to do. Rescuing Hadley Logan was a must. He could not, he would NOT fail. **************************************************************************** Jay knew that he would die someday. This would probably be at the hands of someone he was pursuing in relation to his job. This thought did not bother the veteran detective much, if at all. Today, though, he MUST succeed was his all-consuming thought. Not only to help his client find and rescue his adoptive sister, the person he loved most in the world after his parent's demise; but also for the others involved. Jay may not have been a model citizen, but he did desire to do his job properly. His only chance for him and his client, J.R. Logan, to survive, though, may be with help from above. For this reason, Jay looked back and skyward before entering the hotel room. Unfortunately, Jay was not successful in beating his large friend and client through the door of the hotel room. Magruder was prepared for this situation. He wore a Kevlar vest to protect his upper trunk. The only protection that J.R. Logan had was his size and his strength. Even someone the size of the former Super Bowl MVP, though, would be no match for a bullet fired from a high-powered handgun at close range. Jay attempted to hold the large man back. It was no use. J.R. Logan was too big, too strong, and too hellbent on finding his sister for Jay to stop from entering the hotel room first. Jay hoped that his help from above would protect both. *************************************************************************** In the distance, a coyote howled, as if to warn the duo of possible impending doom. The sound was squelched quickly, though. Neither man was inclined to heed the animal’s brief warning. They were both too intent on rescuing the daughter of the beloved couple, and J.R. Logan's closest friend. The coyote’s howl was silenced by the left-handed gunman. Carlos had become an accurate shot, even with a silencer on his .44 magnum pistol and shooting with his non-dominant hand. He felt no remorse for killing the animal, just as he had felt no remorse for killing the humans for whose death he was responsible. More people had died at the hands of the former surgeon than he had saved from certain death. This was not from a lack of talent. Each death had been executed at the behest of his cartel don. At one time, the talented surgeon had been regarded as one of the two most accomplished surgeons in the Western Hemisphere. However, the best job that the gifted surgeon could secure in his new country was as a janitor at a hospital in the Texas Medical Center. Since most of his victims resided in his new country, Carlos had no qualms about helping them to their unfortunate demise. He hated ALL Americans. Helping them to their death was an easy task for the trained assassin. After his wife died, Carlos poured all his sentiment into his relationship with his oldest daughter, only to have that sentiment rejected. Carlos blamed his daughter’s high school boyfriend for the broken relationship. He believed that had influenced her to reject his love. Carlos had killed both the former beau and his wife. He still felt the need for revenge. His best opportunity to accomplish this, his information told him, was today. He also knew that his life may well depend on his success. His need for revenge had been aided by his cartel don. The don was worried that Hadley Logan had found the information that he sought. She may have also shared it with her brother before being kidnapped, he reasoned. Additionally, her kidnappers may have forced the kidnappee to share valuable information with them. Therefore, they must all die. Carlos would be richly rewarded both financially and emotionally for his quest if he succeeded.
C.: Man, I need to talk to d.c. That was NOT funny at all!