C.: Hi, d.c. I have a few minutes before Tom and T. start chasing me again. They stopped to eat at the sandwich shop that we ate at on Sunday. It will be a while before they get served and can gobble down their food. I just wanted to check and see if Buddy Bones got my birthday present.
d.: Yes, Cal.E. he did. I was (fortunately) the one who got the mail, since your mom and dad are on their cruise celebrating their twentieth wedding anniversary (that was delayed two years because of the epidemic). VERY uncool, Cal.E.
C.: I was just sending my buddy a birthday present, since he is now a teenager, like me.
d.: Yes, but you know, as well as I do, that both raisins AND chocolate are toxic to dogs. Sending Buddy Bones chocolate-covered raisins for his thirteenth birthday was NOT cool. It is fortunate that I was the one who got the mail today, since I DO know a little about animals. I was just going to give Buddy a ham bone for his birthday and feed and water him and the two cats, like your mom and dad asked me to do before they went on their Alaska to Hawaii cruise. IF the package had been left on the front porch, Buddy Bones might have been able to get it when I opened the front door. His nose would have told him that something delicious was in the package. THAT would have been the end of Buddy Bones!
C.: Well, one CANNOT win them all (but I can try). Gotta go. I see Tom and T. headed this way. Just let the readers read day fourteen of my journal. That will be more interesting than this conversation!
Cal.E.’s Corner; Day Fourteen
Mom and Dad like to watch the news. I cannot figure out why, though. The newscasters always seem to be giving their opinions, not the news. I was watching it with them tonight. The newscaster referred to two of the living former presidents as “President This” and FORMER President That.” Only one was referred to as “Ex-President.” Hmm. I wonder why they singled out the last sitting president with THAT designation.
I have heard humans use the expression “Politics makes strange bedfellows>” Perhaps Buddy Bones is a politician. He sleeps in the same bed and Mom and Dad. Neither I, nor the other two cats can sleep in the bed with our parents, because Buddy Bones will snap at us. HE is Mom’s favorite, so he gets what he wants, and he does NOT want to share the bed with a cat!
The only interesting thing that happened today was that “Big Red” got married. Ho Hum. He has been away at college for more than two years, but that is as high as I can count. Maybe if I jumped up on the refrigerator, I could count higher (hehe). Now, my favorite brother is going to live with another person like Mom, and NOT close to where I live. It must be a long way from here. Mom and Dad have been gone for two whole feedings (I can count how many feedings I am missing, as long as it is not more than the two I eat a day.)
I suppose that both Blue Eyes and Curly will get married and move away one day also. Then, it will just be Buddy Bones, the two other cats, and me. The two Earth cats do not bother me. We are all in this together, no matter what planet we are from! Now, If we could just get rid of Buddy Bones….