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Cal.E.'s Korner

Writer's picture: markmiller323markmiller323

C.: d.c., I’m reading the fourth book in THE MAGRUDER MYSTERIES series: A FULL PARDON: A GRAYING OF THE LAW. I’m your primary beta reader, so I feel that its my responsibility to bring something to your attention.

d.: What’s that, Cal.E.?

C.: I do think that it’s some of your best work, but you cannot use real people or situations without permission.

d.: The book is pure fiction, Cal.E.

C.: Is it really?

d.: …Yes.

C.: I’m just sayin’ that, since we work at The Kennel, you might be too close to the truth with one chapter in this book.

d.: Which chapter is that?

C.: Chapter twenty. It’s called “The Peace Keepers.” d.: Well, let’s let our readers decide. I’ll put it on the blog.


“Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9, NIV).

June 3, 2035; 1635: Columbia, Texas; Southeast Texas Cluster of Prisons; Hildebrand Unit

The inmate looked at the Certified Medication Aide with disgust. “Why can’t I have the medicine one day early? I’m going to report you to security. I have a doctor’s appointment tomorrow, and I won’t be able to come get it then. Y’all close the pill window before the bus gets back from the hospital in Galveston. I promise I won’t take any until tomorrow.”

“I can give you one dose from stock tonight, that’s all. Then you can ask the med aids in Galveston to give you a dose while you’re down there tomorrow. You can come get your meds the next day from our pill window. That’s the best I can do for you. Next!!!”

The inmate returned five minutes later with the most easily manipulated ranking officer at the prison. After he explained his situation to the med aid, Manuel Raymond simply shook his head. The sergeant returned a few minutes later with the lieutenant, who ordered the med aid to give the inmate his Keep on Person medication.

Hildebrand Unit, June 5, 0835

Nurse Jodie Lambert shook her head in frustration. “Where is Johnnie Jackson? All of the other men with appointments today with the provider are here. His appointment was rescheduled from yesterday to today because he had an appointment at Hospital Galveston yesterday. The provider was going to straighten out his medications today. He shouldn’t miss this appointment. I told him how important it was for him to be here.”

The security officer looked at the nurse in confusion. She wanted to be helpful, but was at a loss to identify the inmate. “Whom are you looking for, Jodie?”

“I guess I should say is the inmate who occupies bed 37 in dorm one. That’s how y’all identify the inmates, although y’all move them around so much I can’t see how y’all can know who the inmates are by identifying them like that.”

“Oh, one-thirty-seven hasn't come back from Galveston yet. He must have gotten caught in count. That happens sometimes when they go to the main hospital.” The officer shook her head in remorse for the situation.

“It does,” Jodie thought, but she still wanted to check on the inmate and make sure of what she was suspecting. Johnnie Jackson’s hospital chart revealed the truth.

“Patient admitted to main hospital’s E.R. at 2359 on 06/04/35. Transported from free world hospital when patient stabilized after suffering multiple fractures and lacerations in head and neck area. Security officer who accompanied patient to hospital reports cause of injuries was a fall. Pt. is in a comatose state and will be held at main hospital for observation and evaluation until patient is awake, alert and oriented to person, place, time and situation. Bruises on arms and hands are consistent with defensive wounds. However, security reports no fights have occurred at Hildebrand Unit, where patient is housed, for several weeks.”

Jodie shook her head in frustration and then forwarded the E.R. doctors note to her provider. It was his problem to deal with, if he chose to do so.

Meanwhile, Sergeant Jared Jensen received a subpoena to appear before the county judge at 0900 in response to an inmate’s complaint of physical abuse. Lieutenant Cameron Miller was also summoned. Each officer received a written reprimand from their warden. Each was suspended without pay until further notice.


C.: Oh, wow! Look at the time! I must get ready to go to work tonight. I’ll ask d.c. to put the conclusion of this chapter on the blog tomorrow.



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