C.: Thanks for rescuing me from those wild animals last night, d.c. Since your neighborhood is more than twenty years old, I did NOT expect wild animals to still be loose in it when I went outside to…”stretch my legs” last night.
d.” You’re welcome, Cal.E., but what wild animals are you talking about?
C.: One kept asking me “WHO, WHO, WHO.” I told him my name, but he just kept asking what it was.
d.: That was one of our two owls in this neighborhood. He was probably hunting for food. It is a good thing you came back inside.
C.: Yes, it is. Another one kept saying,” HAWK, HAWK.” I suppose that was a hawk.
d.: Yes, Cal.E. It probably was. He may have been hunting for food, too. It IS a good thing you came back inside, Cal.E.
C.: This is an established neighborhood. Why are there still wild animals in it?
d.: Because Cal.E., this WAS a hayfield at one time. Some owls live to be twenty-five to thirty years old. They are territorial, just like hawks. Both will live in a very confined area for their whole lives. Since the tow owls and the two hawks were probably born in the hayfield, they did not leave. They still hunt the same area for food. They are probably the main reason that snakes and rats are rare in this neighborhood. They will die soon, though, sadly. They are at the end of their life expectancy.
C.: That is sad, but I am glad that I was not one of their meals!
d.: Yes, it is, Cal.E. This area is growing quickly. We will probably not see any more wildlife unless we travel at least twenty miles from here (probably more). We need to lighten the mood, so let’s continue with your book, “The Kennel.”
Chapter Two: Curly, Blue Eyes, and Big Red
Well, it’s that time again. I promised to tell you about my three brothers today, so I will. For you not-so-bright humans, my name is Cal. E. Kat. That’s short for Calculating Einstein. On with the story.
I’ll first tell you about Curly. He was very weak when he got here. He could not even walk on all four feet. I taught him to crawl and to do many other things, with a little help from Mom and Dad, of course. We had other medical professionals come to our house and help me mold him. He did not listen very well, at first. Then Mom and Dad sent him to obedience school for humans. He is doing much better since Mom and Dad sent him there. He was also short for most of his life. NOT ANYMORE! I think that he is as tall as Dad now, and Dad is NOT short!
When Curly was little, he did not listen very well, despite my diligent instruction. He is doing better now, thanks mainly to me. I taught him everything he knows. He was a lot of fun to raise, though. He always liked to have a good time.
Now, Blue Eyes was a different story. Don’t get me wrong, he was very helpful with the hairless human foster kittens. He was good with the foster animals, too. Even the dogs! He just did not like to have fun, as Curly did, though. He never pulled my tail or batted my ears. He decided to go and keep the world safe from dogs now, I think. Dad says he has an important job. That would be a VERY important job. Someone needs to keep the dogs at bay!
I liked Blue Eyes almost as much as Big Red, my favorite brother. He brought me home from that awful place called the pound. The humans are nice there, but it is VERY lonely. I am glad he brought me to my forever home, but I wish that he, Mom, and Dad did not decide they needed a dog. Buddy Bones is very annoying. He is always trying to play with me when I just want to take a nap.
Back to the story. I miss my boy. He went to something called college. I think it is an advanced obedience school for humans. One must leave home to attend, though. Then, got married to a human-like Mom. She is nice, but I do not like competition. Maybe they will adopt some human hairless foster kittens, too. I heard Mom say that she would like for them to, one day, when they are ready (whatever that means).
My family asks as if I am not even around now. I don’t eat or shed anymore. They don’t even have to change my litterbox. HMM, I AM the perfect pet! I do NOT see why anyone would need a dog, or any other pets but me. I would think that Mom and Dad would be satisfied to have three hairless human kittens. I guess they were lonely when Big Red and Blue Eyes left.
It is time for my nap now. I will start telling you about the animals and their masters who got into trouble and left their animals for Mom and Dad to take care of tomorrow.