In other news, our BRILLIANT president says that we need to bring inflation under control. He is SO much smarter than the FORMER president, who merely said that inflation could be a problem if we do not do something about it quickly! I’m Ben Dunn, with Sarah Sunshine (and some others who are not worth mentioning) with all the news worth mentioning. And if I did not mention YOU…you can figure that out, can’t you?
d.: It is after noon. I wonder if Cal.E. is awake yet. She likes to sleep in on her days off. The last time she had a day off, she told me that she almost did not get up in time to take her nap! I will call her and see if she is awake yet (ring)
C.: Hello? d.c., is that you?
d.: Yes, it is me, d.c. scot, and YOU are not.
C.: Funny. I am rather busy right now.
d.: Doing what?
C.: Well, I am working on an app.
d.: A computer app.?
C.: Yes, d.c. I reasoned that I should take advantage of my computer training that The Kennel has given me. I am trying to use it to my advantage and earn some extra money. Tom is bleeding me dry, wanting me to pay child support to my fourteen 42-year-old kittens. I need an extra source of income.
d.: So, how far have you gotten.
C.: I am almost done. All I need now is a name.
d.: What is the description of the app.?
C.: It is like Twitter. I reason that if Donald trump can have his own app., so can I. However, I need to shorten the name. It is too long!
d.: What are you calling it now?
C.: Well, I want something that one can use while in the bathroom. My working title is “App. one can use while in the bathroom." That is too long, though. Eureka! I have it! Since it is like Twitter, and it is designed to be used in the bathroom, I will shorten its name to…
d.: Cal.E. Remember, this is a FAMILY blog before you say anything else.
C.: What’s wrong with calling it “bathroom app.?”
d.: That’s all the time we have for today, folks. Cal.E. needs to work on her new app. And I need to… do anything else but talk to her about it. Join us tomorrow, for more of Cal.E.’s Corner.