C.: Hey, d.c. I have something that will make you rich quickly!

d.: Okay, what is it?
C.: It’s a multi-product marketing….
d.: Don’t you mean multilevel marketing?
C.: Yes, and I’m practically my own boss, and you can be, too. There are only fourteen levels above me, so you’d be on the ground floor, the sixteenth level!
d.: Well, that’s more commonly known as a Ponzi scheme, and those are illegal.
C.: Just hear me out. You were having trouble remembering to take you meds, right? Right. I can sell you this pill dispenser for the low, low price of $10.99.
d.: Cal.E, I can buy a pill dispenser at the dollar store for one tenth of that. Why do you feel the need to get involved with a Ponzi scheme? Isn’t your third husband, Tucker Tucker Two, a.k.a. The Cat Fighter Formerly Known AS The Tuxedo (who really needs a shorter nickname) Now Simply Known As T Because Triple T Was Already Taken loaded with money.
C.: Well…yes. But he’s traveling the world with his former and presence best friend, Tom the Tabby, tag-team cat fighting for more championship belts and more money (as if he needs either) and I’m stuck at home doing nothing, since I quit my job at The Kennel.
d.: You could work for a charity, or help clean the rats out of The Kennel. If you don’t want to do that, why not take up a sport, like running or swimming or riding a bike…well, I guess the last one is out because you’re a cat, but you could do either of the other two, or both.
C.: I don’t like to swim or run, and the rats at The Kennel are as big as I am! As far as working for a charity, how is a cat going to do that? I might as well sit in mine and T’s comfortable studio room and watch my favorite soap opera, “Nine LIves to Give.”
That reminds me, it’s going to start soon, so I must be on my way home.
d.: So, I suppose that’s all the time we have for today folks. Please join us tomorrow for another episode of Cal.E.’s Korner.