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Cal.E.'s Korner

Writer's picture: markmiller323markmiller323

d.: Now that I finished my pre test, I need to talk to Cal.E. She didn’t do what I asked her to do yesterday. (ring, ring, ring).

Well, she’s not answering her phone, so I’ll just walk the half a block to Wayne Manor in the rain. It’s funny how it’s always raining when I do that.

At Wayne Manor

(Knock, Knock, Knock)

d.: Calculating Einstein Cat.

(Knock, Knock, Knock)

d.: Calculating Einstein Cat.

(Knock, Knock, Knock)

d.: Calculating Einstein Cat.

(Hmm. She’s not answering the door, and it sounds like someone’s banging a gong in her house. It sounds loud enough to hear it all the way down the block. Maybe I do need a hearing aid because I didn’t hear it at my house. I’ll just try the door, it’s open. I hope I don’t startle her.

Cal.E.!, Cal.E.! CAL.E!!

C.: Oh, hi, d.c. I didn’t see you or hear you at the door. 

d.:  First of all, Happy Lunar New Year’s day?

C.: Is that why you wanted me to bang a gong? To celebrate the Lunar New Year?

D.: What do you mean?

C.: Well, I got your note that you slipped through the mail slot yesterday. I’ve been banging a gong since I got the note. I’m was really tired, though, so I had one of my kittens take over because I assumed that you would tell me when to stop. 

d.: ???. Let me see the note.

That says please write our blog today. I was taking a pretest and then studying for the test. I couldn’t have anything else open on my computer, so I thought that I’d just put a note in your mail slot as I came home from the gym. I guess that you and your husband, Tucker Tucker Two, a.k.a. The Cat Fighter Formerly Known As The Tuxedo (who) really needs a shorter nickname) Now Simply KNown As T Because Triple T Was Already Taken were both busy since no one answered the doorbell, and I didn’t have time to wait around.

C.: Couldn’t you have called me?

d.: No. I had to shut off my phone to take the pretest, and the phone my truck will only answer calls, not place them. Besides, last night was New Year’s Eve.

C.: Come again? I thought the whole world celebrated the new year almost a month ago.

d.: Most people did, but that’s not the real new year. The Lunar New Year is today. This is the real beginning of a new year, so I celebrated last night after I finished studying. I didn’t feel like writing after that, and I must spend the next two days studying for my test.

C.: Good luck on your test, and happy Lunar New Year, I guess, but your hand writing is terrible! The next time, type the note on an old-fashioned typewriter if yo can’t use your computer.

d.: I have a typewriter that I bought at a pawn shop, but I can’t find a ribbon for it.

C.: I think that I might have one somewhere. He’s working out, so I don’t want to disturb him. Just send me an email and remind me to ask him.

d.: I can’t because the testing people require that my computer remain in sleep mode until I take the test on Friday. And, I really need to study for this midterm exam.

C.: I see, well, since I must write the blog for the next two days, I suppose that’s all the time we have for today, folks. Please join us tomorrow for another episode of Cal.E.’s Korner.


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