C.: d.c., pick up the phone, please.

d.: What’s up, my fine feline friend?

C.: My Husband, Tucker Tucker Two, a.k.a. The Cat Fighter Formerly Known As The Tuxedo (who really needs a shorter nickname) Now Simply Known As T Because Triple T Was Already Taken has me worried.
d.: About what?
C.: He keeps singing this song. The lyrics to the chorus are:
Your love keeps lifting me higher
Than I’ve ever been lifted before
d.: Oh, that’s an oldie but goodie. Why does it bother you that T is singing an old song?
C.: Because he may ask me to join him.
d.: And?
C.: I’m afraid of heights.
d.: So, you’re a cat from outer space, and you’re afraid of heights?
C.: Yes. A lot of cats are.
d.: But y’all climb trees….
C.: And then our humans must call the fire department to get us down. Our instincts make us climb tall trees. When we get to the top and look down, though, we’re afraid. That’s why we can’t climb down.
d.: I suppose that makes sense, in a way. Anyway, weren’t you going into the future to see which teams were going to win all the playoff games, both college and professional?
C.: Yes, why?
d.: Well, who wins? I can make sone serious money if I know that.

C.: Tonight, I like Texas over Ohio State. That’s because Texas is a bigger state both land and population wise than Ohio, so I pick the Longhorns. Tomorrow, I have the Texans upsetting the Los Angeles Chargers. The Chargers are currently homeless because of the fires in SoCal, so they will be worried about their homes and family, not a football game. And….
d.: Wait! I thought that you knew who was going to win all the games.
C.: I do.
d.: So, which teams win?
C.: The teams that score the most points.
d.: I guess that’s all the time we have for today, folks. Please join us tomorrow for another episode of Cal.E.’s Korner.