C.: d.c., how did the deep-sea fishing trip go with your sons? Did you catch any fish or see any dolphins?
D.: Yes and no. We did catch fish. You and your kittens will have a feast tonight. I did not see any dolphins, but I DID see something really amazing. Click on this link Cal.E., and you will see.
C.: you saw Elvis Pressley? Where was he?
d.: Yes, Cal.E., he is alive and well and living on an island off the coast of the Carolinas. The fishing guides bring him supplies. In exchange, he tells them where he has seen the most fish. He came onto the boat and talked to the captain. I could not resist the opportunity to take a short video, even though he asked us not to take a picture with flash photography. The flash on my phone did not go off during the video, so I (technically) did not violate his wishes.
C.: Well, I am glad that Eudora does not like fish, and that you got to see Elvis. Thank you for the meal, d.c. I will pay you back someday.
d.: You do not need to do that, Cal.E. Consider it a gift from the king of Rock and Roll. He was the one who told us where to find all the fish, after he was through promoting the movie about him and his manager, Col. Tom Parker.
C.: Will he get royalties?
d.: No, Cal.E. He just wants to be left alone. I have not seen the movie yet, but I am planning on going and seeing it as soon as I get back to Houston. I will see you then. In the meantime, keep an eye out for the fish I sent you. It will be in an iced package marked “rush delivery.” It is time-sensitive material, so open it immediately.
C.: Will do, d.c. I guess we need to keep Elvis’s existence a secret between us, and the readers of this blog. I will not tell anyone else (accept the reporter from that rumor rag that has offered me a mint for the information!).