C.: Hello? Oh hi! I am awake, d.c., waiting for the NBA All-Star game to start. Are you ready to continue yesterday’s conversation, or are you too busy?
d.: I’m good, Cal.E. I am sorry I could not make it to your hose today, but we have had numerous phone conversations. I believe that we were talking about the Winter Olympic Games, and athletes using banned substances?
C.: Yes, but we had moved on to talking about transgender women and the FINA swimming competitions.
d.: Oh, yes, right. Look, we all know that life is NOT fair. Ask any five-year-old with cancer how fair life is…
C.: Didn’t you touch on that in one of your chapters in your first book, ”Precision; An Act of Passion?”
d.: yes, chapter nine, ”The World’s Best Hospital for Cancer Patients” is based on a personal experience of mine. Not ALL of it is true, but I took some of the things that really DID happen in my life and embellished them. Still, whenever I read that chapter, it will almost bring tears to my eyes, and I wrote that chapter!
C.: yes, d.c. I did read your book about ten times, because you wanted me to help you edit it. However, after the fifth time, I must admit that I skipped over that chapter. It is too emotional. Back to the subject at hand, though…
d.: Yes. In the FINA swimming competitions, transgender women are setting many world records… for WOMEN! These athletes were born male. No matter how hard one trains, a male has more upper body strength than a woman. Eighty to ninety percent of the power that propels a swimmer comes from the upper body. It is not hard to figure out why all these records are being set.
C.: But don’t these athletes take hormones to make them more like the people they are competing against?
d.: THAT is another thing that bothers me. THEY can take hormones, but Sha'carri Richardson gets kicked off the summer Olympic team for the U.S. when she tested positive for marijuana! She just found out that her mom died. AND it was in a state where smoking pot is LEGAL! (SMH). Besides, when has pot EVER made anyone do anything FASTER?! Richardson was a sprinter. I don’t think that the marijuana helped her run faster, but a fifteen-year-old Russian girl gets to keep her gold medal after testing positive for a banned substance. Why even HAVE rules, if no one, EXCEPT the United States, is going to follow them?! LIFE may not be fair, but ATHLETIC COMPETTIONS should be!
C.: Well, tomorrow, d..c. maybe you can tell us how you REALLY feel. WE are out of time for today, though, so join us tomorrow for another in-depth conversation on…stuff! Here on Cal.E.’s Corner